

Password validation requirements

Must have min. 8 characters

Must contain at least 1 letter

Cannot match the list of 500 most insecure passwords

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    We are GOG and we are responsible for personal information you give us when you use, GOG Galaxy and other GOG services. We are based in Poland (ul. Jagiellońska 74, 03-301 Warsaw). GOG will collect personal data you give us when setting up a account and data about how you use our services. We need this in particular to provide you a account and related features like purchasing games, accessing your library and playing online with friends using GOG Galaxy and sharing your activities on user profile. We may also use it to inform you about games on, our special offers and product recommendations based on your activity on our platform - in such cases we may profile your information to make our communications more relevant to you (this is optional). We respect your privacy rights i.e. the right to access, correct and delete your data, limit its processing, transfer it and to object to the use of your personal data. More details may be found in our Privacy Notices: Privacy Policy.
    GOG sp. z o.o. is responsible for processing your personal data collected for this registration and will use it to provide you its digital distribution platform services. For more information about your personal data and rights check GOG Privacy Policy.
    CD PROJEKT S.A. is responsible for processing your personal data and we will use it to send you a cool newsletter about our products. You may always withdraw your consent for such processing. For more information about your personal data and rights check CD PROJEKT Privacy Policy.

By signing up you acknowledge you are 16 or older and accept GOG User Agreement & Privacy Policy.
